Vinay Hegde is a graduate from Vancouver Film School, Canada with specialization in 3D character modeling and texturing. He has finished the Jedi Masters Program at Lucasfilm Animation, Singapore. Currently he is working as a 3Dmodeller at Dreamworks Animations India, Bangalore.
He was born in an agriculturist family to Radha and Keshav Hegde at Gadikai, Sirsi. Art has been his passion since childhood that turned into an aspiration to excel in this field. He specialized in painting at Ken School Of Art, Bangalore (India).
He was bestowed with an opportunity to learn under the tutelage of Prof. S.K.Ramachandra Rao, a renowned scholar and celebrated authority in the area of Indology between 2001-2006, where he studied the theoretical aspects and facets of Traditional Indian Sculpture and Philosophy.
Other Accomplishments include valuable experience and expertise in Tabla playing under the tutelage of legendry Tabla maestro Pandit Kishen Maharaj. His fascination for photography led him to capture the beauty of an ancient architecture of Indian Temples. This led him to co-author a book titled “Early Hoysala Art“, a pictorial depiction of temple architecture. Also Authored “Dhyana Chitravali“, a book about invocations used in Traditional Indian Sculpture.
"GlowArt" or "beLakina chitthAra" is an unique art form innovated by him, first of its kind in India! If we think light is source of life, here he uses darkness to create amazing art and evolve wonders through that magic light and canvas!
"Glow Art"has become an added feather to his cap!